Main Functions(Profile):
1. To implement the guidelines and policies of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on ethnic affairs, act as adviser and assistant for the CPC Central Committee and the State Council in respect of ethnic affairs;
2. To study and put forward guidelines, policies and development strategies in respect of ethnic affairs, formulate state laws and regulations regarding the administration of ethnic affairs and improve the national ethnic law system;
3. To organize the investigation and study on ethnic theories, policies, problems and other major issues, conduct publicity and education on ethnic policies and laws and supervise their implementation; to organize the study on state ethnic policies and issues;
4. To supervise the implementation and improvement of ethnic regional autonomy system, supervise and handle the safeguard of the rights and interests of ethnic minorities, and organize and guide the decade-anniversary celebration activities by the ethnic autonomous regions;
5. To study and formulate the principles and methods for coordinating ethnic relations, promoting equality and unity, mutual assistance and cooperation between various ethnic groups, coordinate major issues in handling ethnic relations and safeguard social stability and state unification; to organize and undertake the honoring activities of national unity and progress;
6. To organize the investigation and study on human rights status of ethnic minorities, the women and children status and the status of ethnic minorities residing scattered and intermingled around the country and coordinate with related departments in formulating the Human Rights Convention report to the UN on the human rights of ethnic minorities of our country;
7. To analyze the functioning of economies and economic development programs of ethnic regions, study and put forward special policies and measures for the economic development of ethnic regions; to organize the investigation and research on the major development issues of ethnic minority economies in respect of animal husbandry, border areas and impoverished areas, and coordinate and undertake the poverty alleviation of ethnic regions; to organize and coordinate the science and technology development of ethnic regions, economic and technical cooperation through partnership assistance as well as ethnic trade and production of goods specially needed by individual ethnic groups;
8. To study the special ethnic minority issues of in respect of culture, arts, sanitation, sports, press and publication and bring forward related opinions, and handle related affairs under the guidance of related state guidelines and policies;
9. To administrate the languages of ethnic minorities, guide the translation and publication of ethnic minority languages and the collection, collation and publication of ancient ethnic books;
10. To study the issue of the ethnic education reform and bring forward opinions and suggestions accordingly, assist in the solution of special difficulties in the ethnic educations, and coordinate with education departments in undertaking the education assistance and state ethnic education support to the ethnic regions under the overall panning and guidance of the state education departments;
11. To guide the operation of ethnic affairs of the government institutions, strengthen relations withthe local ethnic autonomous regions, organize and receive the ethnic minority people for learning, visits and studies;
12. To liaise with ethnic minority cadres, assist related departments in ensuring the training, education and utilization of ethnic minority cadres; to be responsible for the personnel affairs and institution establishments as well as the party-masses relationships;
13. To organize and coordinate the external exchanges and cooperation regarding ethnic affairs, assist in conducting the ethnic minority publicity to the outside, handle affairs related to Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Regions and Taiwan region, and handle matters concerning ethnic minority compatriots who returned to China for visiting relatives, sightseeing, and settlement.
1. 贯彻执行党中央、国务院关于民族工作的方针、政策,当好党中央、国务院在民族工作方面的参谋助手。
2. 研究并提出有关民族工作的方针、政策和发展战略,拟定国家有关民族事务管理的法律法规,健全民族法律体系。
3. 组织开展民族理论、民族政策和民族问题等重大课题的调查研究,开展民族政策、法规的宣传教育并监督贯彻执行。组织对有关国家民族政策、民族问题的研究。
4. 监督实施和完善民族区域自治制度建设,监督办理少数民族权益保障事宜,组织指导民族自治地方逢10周年庆祝活动。
5. 研究拟定协调民族关系的原则方法,促进各民族间的平等团结、互助合作,协调处理民族关系中的重大事宜,维护社会稳定和国家统一。组织和承办民族团结进步表彰活动。
6. 组织对我国少数民族人权状况、妇女儿童状况和散杂居少数民族情况的调查研究,配合有关部门拟定向联合国发出的关于我国少数民族人权公约报告等事宜。
7. 分析民族地区经济运行情况、经济发展规划,研究提出民族地区经济发展的特殊政策和措施。组织调查研究牧区、边境地区、贫困地区少数民族经济发展中的有关问题,配合承办民族地区扶贫事宜。组织协调民族地区科技发展、对口支援经济技术协作和民族贸易、民族特需用品生产。
8. 在国家有关方针、政策指导下,研究少数民族文化、艺术、卫生、体育、新闻出版等方面的特殊问题并提出相关意见,承办相应事务。
9. 管理少数民族语言文字工作,指导少数民族语言文字的翻译、出版和民族古籍的收集、整理、出版工作。
10. 在国家教育主管部门的总体规划指导下,研究民族教育改革发展问题并提出意见和建议,帮助解决民族教育中的特殊困难,配合教育主管部门承办对民族地区的教育援助和国家民族教育扶持的有关事宜。
11. 对政府系统民族工作进行业务指导,加强同民族自治地方的联系,组织接待少数民族学习、参观、考察等事宜。
12. 联系少数民族干部,协助有关部门作好少数民族干部的培养、教育和使用等工作。负责委机关和直属单位人事、机构编制管理及党群工作。
13. 组织协调民族工作领域有关对外交流与合作,协助开展少数民族对外宣传和办理涉香港特别行政区及澳门、台湾地区等有关事宜,办理居住境外的少数民族同胞有关回国探亲、旅游、定居等事宜。
2. To study and put forward guidelines, policies and development strategies in respect of ethnic affairs, formulate state laws and regulations regarding the administration of ethnic affairs and improve the national ethnic law system;
3. To organize the investigation and study on ethnic theories, policies, problems and other major issues, conduct publicity and education on ethnic policies and laws and supervise their implementation; to organize the study on state ethnic policies and issues;
4. To supervise the implementation and improvement of ethnic regional autonomy system, supervise and handle the safeguard of the rights and interests of ethnic minorities, and organize and guide the decade-anniversary celebration activities by the ethnic autonomous regions;
5. To study and formulate the principles and methods for coordinating ethnic relations, promoting equality and unity, mutual assistance and cooperation between various ethnic groups, coordinate major issues in handling ethnic relations and safeguard social stability and state unification; to organize and undertake the honoring activities of national unity and progress;
6. To organize the investigation and study on human rights status of ethnic minorities, the women and children status and the status of ethnic minorities residing scattered and intermingled around the country and coordinate with related departments in formulating the Human Rights Convention report to the UN on the human rights of ethnic minorities of our country;
7. To analyze the functioning of economies and economic development programs of ethnic regions, study and put forward special policies and measures for the economic development of ethnic regions; to organize the investigation and research on the major development issues of ethnic minority economies in respect of animal husbandry, border areas and impoverished areas, and coordinate and undertake the poverty alleviation of ethnic regions; to organize and coordinate the science and technology development of ethnic regions, economic and technical cooperation through partnership assistance as well as ethnic trade and production of goods specially needed by individual ethnic groups;
8. To study the special ethnic minority issues of in respect of culture, arts, sanitation, sports, press and publication and bring forward related opinions, and handle related affairs under the guidance of related state guidelines and policies;
9. To administrate the languages of ethnic minorities, guide the translation and publication of ethnic minority languages and the collection, collation and publication of ancient ethnic books;
10. To study the issue of the ethnic education reform and bring forward opinions and suggestions accordingly, assist in the solution of special difficulties in the ethnic educations, and coordinate with education departments in undertaking the education assistance and state ethnic education support to the ethnic regions under the overall panning and guidance of the state education departments;
11. To guide the operation of ethnic affairs of the government institutions, strengthen relations withthe local ethnic autonomous regions, organize and receive the ethnic minority people for learning, visits and studies;
12. To liaise with ethnic minority cadres, assist related departments in ensuring the training, education and utilization of ethnic minority cadres; to be responsible for the personnel affairs and institution establishments as well as the party-masses relationships;
13. To organize and coordinate the external exchanges and cooperation regarding ethnic affairs, assist in conducting the ethnic minority publicity to the outside, handle affairs related to Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Regions and Taiwan region, and handle matters concerning ethnic minority compatriots who returned to China for visiting relatives, sightseeing, and settlement.
1. 贯彻执行党中央、国务院关于民族工作的方针、政策,当好党中央、国务院在民族工作方面的参谋助手。
2. 研究并提出有关民族工作的方针、政策和发展战略,拟定国家有关民族事务管理的法律法规,健全民族法律体系。
3. 组织开展民族理论、民族政策和民族问题等重大课题的调查研究,开展民族政策、法规的宣传教育并监督贯彻执行。组织对有关国家民族政策、民族问题的研究。
4. 监督实施和完善民族区域自治制度建设,监督办理少数民族权益保障事宜,组织指导民族自治地方逢10周年庆祝活动。
5. 研究拟定协调民族关系的原则方法,促进各民族间的平等团结、互助合作,协调处理民族关系中的重大事宜,维护社会稳定和国家统一。组织和承办民族团结进步表彰活动。
6. 组织对我国少数民族人权状况、妇女儿童状况和散杂居少数民族情况的调查研究,配合有关部门拟定向联合国发出的关于我国少数民族人权公约报告等事宜。
7. 分析民族地区经济运行情况、经济发展规划,研究提出民族地区经济发展的特殊政策和措施。组织调查研究牧区、边境地区、贫困地区少数民族经济发展中的有关问题,配合承办民族地区扶贫事宜。组织协调民族地区科技发展、对口支援经济技术协作和民族贸易、民族特需用品生产。
8. 在国家有关方针、政策指导下,研究少数民族文化、艺术、卫生、体育、新闻出版等方面的特殊问题并提出相关意见,承办相应事务。
9. 管理少数民族语言文字工作,指导少数民族语言文字的翻译、出版和民族古籍的收集、整理、出版工作。
10. 在国家教育主管部门的总体规划指导下,研究民族教育改革发展问题并提出意见和建议,帮助解决民族教育中的特殊困难,配合教育主管部门承办对民族地区的教育援助和国家民族教育扶持的有关事宜。
11. 对政府系统民族工作进行业务指导,加强同民族自治地方的联系,组织接待少数民族学习、参观、考察等事宜。
12. 联系少数民族干部,协助有关部门作好少数民族干部的培养、教育和使用等工作。负责委机关和直属单位人事、机构编制管理及党群工作。
13. 组织协调民族工作领域有关对外交流与合作,协助开展少数民族对外宣传和办理涉香港特别行政区及澳门、台湾地区等有关事宜,办理居住境外的少数民族同胞有关回国探亲、旅游、定居等事宜。
Internal Department List:
- General Office
- Phone:010 66508000;Fax:010 66017375
- To assist the leaders of the commission in handling the routine work of the Commission departments and coordinate the work of the commission leaders; to undertake the work of liaising with the work units of the concurrent members of the commission; to be responsible for the management of the commission’s conferences and events and the organization and coordination of the important conferences; to undertake the supervision and transaction of the implementation of the decisions of the conferences and the tasks designated by the leaders of the commission; to coordinate and handle the proposals by the deputies to the National People’s Congress and Members of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference; to undertake the liaison work with the national autonomous regions and their ten-year anniversary celebration of national autonomous regions; to undertake the work of ethnic groups’ education, visitation and investigation and the work of reception and services; to be responsible for the work of guarding; to be responsible for the work of the subordinate units’ telegram, emergency, files, secrecy and complaint and request; to undertake other duties designated by the commission leaders.
- Department of Policies, laws and Regulations
- Phone:010-66061878;Fax:010-66017375
- To draw up the drafts of nationality laws and regulations, formulate policies and measures and undertake the work of popularization, publicity and education of the nationality laws and regulations; to undertake the work of nationality recognition, nationality management and commendation for ethnic unity and progress; to handle the issues involving ethnic customs; to participate in the international events which involves with the minority rights; to cooperate with related departments on the work related to the ethnic women and children, population and birth control, aging, disabled peoples and “mutual support”; to undertake the work of administrative reconsideration; to undertake other duties designated by the commission leaders.
- Department of Economic Development
- Phone:010-66508000;Fax:010-66082491
- To study and offer proposals on the special policies for the development of ethnic groups and ethnic minority areas and coordinate and cooperate with related departments on specific issues; to be responsible for planning, managing and formulating ethnic affairs plans and other special planning and undertake the supervision and inspection on the implementation of the planning; to participate in the formulation of the development planning on the economic and social field in the ethnic minority regions; to undertake the work of nationality statistical analysis and comprehensive assessment and monitoring system; to undertake and participate in the work related to the coordination of assistance, economic and technical cooperation, ethnic trade and ethnic special needed commodity supply in the ethnic minority regions; to undertake and participate in the capital management work and poverty alleviation for the ethnic minority development; to undertake other duties designated by the commission leaders.
- Department of Culture & Publicity
- Phone:010-66508000;Fax:010-66076105
- o study and offer policy proposals for the development of ethnic minority and culture, health, sports, broadcasting, film and television and news and publishing in the ethnic minority regions; to coordinate and cooperate with related departments in implementation; to organize and guide the publicity work and undertake the publicity work of nationality policy, achievements of nationality work, basic education of nationalities and other external propaganda work; to undertake the organization of press release and be responsible for the report of important conferences and events; to undertake the work of ethnic cultural communication and cooperation and specific affairs about important ethnic cultural and sports events; to guide the work of collecting, collating and publishing the ethnical ancient works and assist the related departments with the work of protecting ethnical cultural relic; to guide the work of cultural publicity units directly under the commission; to undertake other duties designated by the commission leaders.
- Department of Education, Science & Technology
- Phone:010-66084064;Fax:010-66084063
- To study and offer special policy proposals on the development of the ethnic minorities and the education and technology in the ethnic minority regions, coordinate with and assist related departments for the specific affairs; to support and assist in the work related to the education for ethnic minorities; to undertake the management work related to the ethnic groups’ spoken and written languages and their translation and participate in the coordination of bilingual education; to guide the work related to the science and technology and scientific research; to participate in the management of special subsidy from the central government; to guide the work of ethnic languages institutes and ethnic colleges directly under the Commission; to undertake other duties designated by the commission leaders.
- Department of International Communication
- Phone:010-66508000;Fax:010-66024925
- To formulate the development planning for international communication and cooperation on ethnic affairs; to undertake the communication and cooperation work with foreign countries and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan in the ethnic field; to acquire information of the overseas ethnic compatriots and undertake and coordinate the ethnic affairs involving foreign issues; to participate in the publicity work of ethnic affairs; to undertake the centralized management of affairs involving foreign issues and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan; to undertake other duties designated by the commission leaders.
- Department of Finance
- Phone:010-66508000;Fax:010-66017449
- To undertake the management of the budget of the departments, the financial revenue and expenditure of the departments and the funds for works related to ethnic minorities; to undertake the audit of the leading cadres’ financial responsibility; to undertake the management of the state-owned assets, capital construction, government procurement and the reformation of housing system; to guide the work of financial management, internal audit, state-owned assets, fundamental construction, government procurement and the housing system reformation of the departments directly under the Commission; to undertake other duties designated by the commission leaders.
- Department of Human Resources
- Phone:010-66508000;Fax:010-66056181
- To participate in the formulation and implementation of the planning for the ethnic minority talents development; to undertake the liaison work with the ethnic minority cadres and assist related departments in training, educating, selecting and recommending ethnic minority cadres; to be responsible for the management of the human resources and the establishment of the organizational structure of the commission and the departments directly under the commission; to undertake the management of the organizations directly under the commission; to guide the training and education of the cadres; to undertake other duties designated by the commission leaders.

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State Ethnic Affairs Commission, P.R.C. 中华人民共和国国家民族事务委员会 Guó Jiā Mín Zú Shì Wù Wēi Yuán Huì | |
No.252 Taipingqiao Dajie, Xicheng District, Beijing China (100800) 中国北京市西城区太平桥大街252号 邮编:100800 |