Your Guide to China> Hebei Province>>Xingtai Municipality>>Qinghe County >Youfang Town(河北邢台清河县油坊镇)

Youfang Town, A division of Qinghe County,Hebei Province

In Chinese: 油坊镇
In Pinyin: Yóu Fāng Zhèn ;
Administrative Division Code : 130534102;
Post Code : 054000;
Calling Code : 0319
The Prefix of Motor Vehicle License Plate : 冀E
The Prefix of Citizen Identity Card Number: 130534
Population : 18,000 persons ;
The Location of Local Government : Liuzhuang, ;

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Villages,Communities or Neighbourhoods under this Town (Township, Sub-District)
Village in EnglishIn Chinese In PinyinZONE TYPE
Youfang Village 油坊村委会 Yóu Fāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Zhutangkou Village 朱唐口村委会 Zhū Táng Kǒu Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Tangtangkou Village 唐唐口村委会 Táng Táng Kǒu Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Wangtangkou Village 王唐口村委会 Wáng Táng Kǒu Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Liutangkou Village 刘唐口村委会 Líu Táng Kǒu Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Luzhuang Village 鲁庄村委会 Lǔ Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Beiwangzhuang Village 北王庄村委会 Běi Wáng Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Liulin Village 柳林村委会 Lǐu Lín Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Liuzhuang Village 柳庄村委会 Lǐu Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Quanli Village 劝礼村委会 Quàn Lǐ Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Xinjie Village 新街村委会 Xīn Jiē Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Nanwangzhuang Village 南王庄村委会 Nán Wáng Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Nanlizhuang Village 南李庄村委会 Nán Lǐ Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Houwei Village 后魏村委会 Hòu Wèi Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Qianwei Village 前魏村委会 Qián Wèi Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Qufang Village 曲方村委会 Qū Fāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Caiwangzhuang Village 蔡王庄村委会 Cài Wáng Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Mazhuang Village 马庄村委会 Mǎ Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Ergeying Village 二哥营村委会 èr Gē Yíng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Zhaodian Village 赵店村委会 Zhào Diàn Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Shaodian Village 邵店村委会 Shào Diàn Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Shaozhuang Village 邵庄村委会 Shào Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Nanjiaozhuang Village 南焦庄村委会 Nán Jiāo Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Qiansunzhuang Village 前孙庄村委会 Qián Sūn Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Housunzhuang Village 后孙庄村委会 Hòu Sūn Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Huangzhuang Village 黄庄村委会 Huáng Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Yinziwang Village 银子王村委会 Yín Zǐ Wáng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Datianzhuang Village 大田庄村委会 Dà Tián Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Yangmaozhuang Village 杨茂庄村委会 Yáng Mào Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Xietaitou Village 谢台头村委会 Xiè Tāi Tóu Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Qianguotun Village 前郭屯村委会 Qián Guō Tún Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Houguotun Village 后郭屯村委会 Hòu Guō Tún Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Dongdu Kouyi Village 东渡口驿村委会 Dōng Dù Kǒu Yì Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Xidu Kouyi Village 西渡口驿村委会 Xī Dù Kǒu Yì Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Jianjiana Village 简家那村委会 Jiǎn Jiā Nā Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Anjiana Village 安家那村委会 ān Jiā Nā Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Weijiana Village 魏家那村委会 Wèi Jiā Nā Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Dongjiana Village 董家那村委会 Dǒng Jiā Nā Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Dujialou Village 杜家楼村委会 Dù Jiā Lóu Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Tenghaolin Village 滕蒿林村委会 Téng Hāo Lín Cūn Wēi Huì Village
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Towns , Townships or Sub-Districts under the same County:

Gexianzhuang Town [in Chinese] 葛仙庄镇
Lianzhuang Town [in Chinese] 连庄镇
Xielu Town [in Chinese] 谢炉镇
Wangguanzhuang Town [in Chinese] 王官庄镇
Baying Town [in Chinese] 坝营镇

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