Your Guide to China> Hebei Province>>Xingtai Municipality>>Qinghe County >Xielu Town(河北邢台清河县谢炉镇)

Xielu Town, A division of Qinghe County,Hebei Province

In Chinese: 谢炉镇
In Pinyin: Xiè Lú Zhèn ;
Administrative Division Code : 130534103;
Post Code : 054000;
Calling Code : 0319
The Prefix of Motor Vehicle License Plate : 冀E
The Prefix of Citizen Identity Card Number: 130534
Population : 13,000 persons ;
The Location of Local Government : Xielu, ;

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Villages,Communities or Neighbourhoods under this Town (Township, Sub-District)
Village in EnglishIn Chinese In PinyinZONE TYPE
Xielu Dongjie Village 谢炉东街村委会 Xiè Lú Dōng Jiē Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Xielu Nanjie Village 谢炉南街村委会 Xiè Lú Nán Jiē Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Xielu Beijie Village 谢炉北街村委会 Xiè Lú Běi Jiē Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Wangshuangmiao Village 王双庙村委会 Wáng Shuāng Miào Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Hanshuangmiao Village 韩双庙村委会 Hán Shuāng Miào Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Liushuangmiao Village 刘双庙村委会 Líu Shuāng Miào Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Pengshuangmiao Village 彭双庙村委会 Péng Shuāng Miào Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Dongshuangmiao Village 董双庙村委会 Dǒng Shuāng Miào Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Fengshuangmiao Village 冯双庙村委会 Féng Shuāng Miào Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Luotun Village 罗屯村委会 Luō Tún Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Jialouzhuang Village 贾楼庄村委会 Jiǎ Lóu Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Fanglouzhuang Village 房楼庄村委会 Fáng Lóu Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Wanglouzhuang Village 王楼庄村委会 Wáng Lóu Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Liulouzhuang Village 刘楼庄村委会 Líu Lóu Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Zhaolouzhuang Village 赵楼庄村委会 Zhào Lóu Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Diaolouzhuang Village 刁楼庄村委会 Diāo Lóu Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Yantang Village 闫堂村委会 Yán Táng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Sunshifo Village 孙石佛村委会 Sūn Shí Fó Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Jiaoshifo Village 焦石佛村委会 Jiāo Shí Fó Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Chen′erzhuang Village 陈二庄村委会 Chén èr Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Liubaozhuang Village 刘保庄村委会 Líu Bǎo Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Jinjiana Village 靳家那村委会 Jìn Jiā Nā Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Zhangwang Xianzhuang Village 张王仙庄村委会 Zhāng Wáng Xiān Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Liwang Xianzhuang Village 李王仙庄村委会 Lǐ Wáng Xiān Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Wangwang Xianzhuang Village 王王仙庄村委会 Wáng Wáng Xiān Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Weiwang Xianzhuang Village 韦王仙庄村委会 Wéi Wáng Xiān Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Gaojiazhuang Village 高家庄村委会 Gāo Jiā Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Liliuzhuang Village 李六庄村委会 Lǐ Lìu Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Shenjiazhuang Village 沈家庄村委会 Shěn Jiā Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Xiehu Luying Village 谢葫芦营村委会 Xiè Hú Lú Yíng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Houdulin Village 后杜林村委会 Hòu Dù Lín Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Qiandulin Village 前杜林村委会 Qián Dù Lín Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Houmiaozhuang Village 后苗庄村委会 Hòu Miáo Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Qianmiaozhuang Village 前苗庄村委会 Qián Miáo Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Tangxinzhuang Village 唐辛庄村委会 Táng Xīn Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Xujiage Village 徐家阁村委会 Xú Jiā Gé Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Xiaoyitun Village 孝义屯村委会 Xiào Yì Tún Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Xiaotianzhuang Village 小田庄村委会 Xiǎo Tián Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Lihu Luying Village 李葫芦营村委会 Lǐ Hú Lú Yíng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Hanhu Luying Village 韩葫芦营村委会 Hán Hú Lú Yíng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Daxuzhuang Village 大许庄村委会 Dà Xǔ Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Xiaoxuzhuang Village 小许庄村委会 Xiǎo Xǔ Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Dayanzhuang Village 大闫庄村委会 Dà Yán Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Xiaoyanzhuang Village 小闫庄村委会 Xiǎo Yán Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Shizhuang Village 史庄村委会 Shǐ Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Caizhuang Village 蔡庄村委会 Cài Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Chenzhuang Village 陈庄村委会 Chén Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Tieguanzhuang Village 铁官庄村委会 Tiě Guān Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Chutaihe Village 楚太和村委会 Chǔ Tài Hé Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Tiantaihe Village 田太和村委会 Tián Tài Hé Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Litaihe Village 李太和村委会 Lǐ Tài Hé Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Wangtaihe Village 王太和村委会 Wáng Tài Hé Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Jiaoyuan Village 焦园村委会 Jiāo Yuán Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Liutaitou Village 刘台头村委会 Líu Tāi Tóu Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Ningtaitou Village 宁台头村委会 Níng Tāi Tóu Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Zhaotaitou Village 赵台头村委会 Zhào Tāi Tóu Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Haotaitou Village 郝台头村委会 Hǎo Tāi Tóu Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Huangtaitou Village 黄台头村委会 Huáng Tāi Tóu Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Dongkangzhuang Village 东康庄村委会 Dōng Kāng Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
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Towns , Townships or Sub-Districts under the same County:

Gexianzhuang Town [in Chinese] 葛仙庄镇
Lianzhuang Town [in Chinese] 连庄镇
Youfang Town [in Chinese] 油坊镇
Wangguanzhuang Town [in Chinese] 王官庄镇
Baying Town [in Chinese] 坝营镇

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