Economy,Ethnic group and Culture of Qinghai
Qinghai’s economy is amongst the smallest in all of China. The important agricultural crops include wheat, grain and potatoes. Stock breeding is also important, Qinghai horses are world famous.
Its heavy industry includes iron and steel productions, located near its capital city of Xining. Oil and natural gas from the Chaidamu Basin has also been an important contributor to the economy.
Ethnic group
The largest population of Qinghai is the Han .Other groups include the Tibetans, Tu, Hui, Salar, and Mongols.
Qinghai’s culture is heavily influenced by the central Chinese civilization and the Tibetan civilization. Qinghai was also vital to such European eras as the Reformation, and the Renaissance as numerous Chinese inventions like the Compass and the printing press all flowed through the Silk Road, which was vital to the economy.
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