Your Guide to China> Hebei Province>>Hengshui Municipality>>Jizhou District >Nanwucun Town(河北衡水冀州区南午村镇)

Nanwucun Town, A division of Jizhou District,Hebei Province

In Chinese: 南午村镇
In Pinyin: Nán Wǔ Cūn Zhèn ;
Administrative Division Code : 131181103;
Post Code : 053000;
Calling Code : 0318
The Prefix of Motor Vehicle License Plate : 冀T
The Prefix of Citizen Identity Card Number: 131181
Area Coverage: 116.4 square kilometers;

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Villages,Communities or Neighbourhoods under this Town (Township, Sub-District)
Village in EnglishIn Chinese In PinyinZONE TYPE
Liufengbei Village 刘丰备村委会 Líu Fēng Bèi Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Zhongfengbei Village 中丰备村委会 Zhōng Fēng Bèi Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Qianfengbei Village 前丰备村委会 Qián Fēng Bèi Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Fengbei Qianzhuang Village 丰备前庄村委会 Fēng Bèi Qián Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Houwayao Village 后瓦窑村委会 Hòu Wǎ Yáo Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Dawayao Village 大瓦窑村委会 Dà Wǎ Yáo Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Qianwayao Village 前瓦窑村委会 Qián Wǎ Yáo Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Xiaowayao Village 小瓦窑村委会 Xiǎo Wǎ Yáo Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Xingjiazhuang Village 邢家庄村委会 Xíng Jiā Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Nanqi Jiazhuang Village 南齐家庄村委会 Nán Qí Jiā Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Xinxingzhai Village 新兴寨村委会 Xīn Xīng Zhài Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Siqian Wayao Village 寺前瓦窑村委会 Sì Qián Wǎ Yáo Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Lijia Wayao Village 李家瓦窑村委会 Lǐ Jiā Wǎ Yáo Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Huangjia Wayao Village 黄家瓦窑村委会 Huáng Jiā Wǎ Yáo Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Wangjia Wayao Village 王家瓦窑村委会 Wáng Jiā Wǎ Yáo Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Majia Wayao Village 马家瓦窑村委会 Mǎ Jiā Wǎ Yáo Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Liujia Wayao Village 刘家瓦窑村委会 Líu Jiā Wǎ Yáo Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Qianzhang Jiazhuang Village 前张家庄村委会 Qián Zhāng Jiā Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Donggutou Village 东古头村委会 Dōng Gǔ Tóu Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Xigutou Village 西古头村委会 Xī Gǔ Tóu Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Yanjiazhuang Village 燕家庄村委会 Yān Jiā Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Fanzhuang Village 范庄村委会 Fàn Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Qianxindian Village 前辛店村委会 Qián Xīn Diàn Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Houxindian Village 后辛店村委会 Hòu Xīn Diàn Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Taipingzhuang Village 太平庄村委会 Tài Píng Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Nanwucun Dongnanjiao Village 南午村东南角村委会 Nán Wǔ Cūn Dōng Nán Jiǎo Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Nanwucun Xinanjiao Village 南午村西南角村委会 Nán Wǔ Cūn Xī Nán Jiǎo Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Nanwucun Xibeijiao Village 南午村西北角村委会 Nán Wǔ Cūn Xī Běi Jiǎo Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Nanwucun Dongbeijiao Village 南午村东北角村委会 Nán Wǔ Cūn Dōng Běi Jiǎo Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Laozhou Jiazhuang Village 老周家庄村委会 Lǎo Zhōu Jiā Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Guojiazhuang Village 国家庄村委会 Guó Jiā Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Jurenzhoujiazhuang Village 举人周家庄村委会 Jǔ Rén Zhōu Jiā Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Sishang Village 寺上村委会 Sì Shàng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Mengling Village 孟岭村委会 Mèng Lǐng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Zhifangtou Village 纸房头村委会 Zhǐ Fáng Tóu Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Houcheying Village 后车营村委会 Hòu Chē Yíng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Liujiazhuang Village 刘家庄村委会 Líu Jiā Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Dongmeng Village Committee 东孟村委会 Dōng Mèng Cūn Wēi Huì Village Committee
Ximeng Village Committee 西孟村委会 Xī Mèng Cūn Wēi Huì Village Committee
Weicun Village 魏村村委会 Wèi Cūn Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Tiancun Village 田村村委会 Tián Cūn Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Guwangzhuang Village 谷王庄村委会 Gǔ Wáng Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Wushenzhuang Village 无神庄村委会 Wú Shén Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Huayuanzhuang Village 花园庄村委会 Huā Yuán Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Beiqi Jiazhuang Village 北齐家庄村委会 Běi Qí Jiā Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Yujiazhuang Village 余家庄村委会 Yú Jiā Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Gaojiatun Village 郜家屯村委会 Gào Jiā Tún Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Zhangjialv Village 张家吕村委会 Zhāng Jiā Lǚ Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Wujialv Village 吴家吕村委会 Wú Jiā Lǚ Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Zhaosanzhuang Village 赵三庄村委会 Zhào Sān Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Baizhang Village Committee 白漳村委会 Bái Zhāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village Committee
Junzhai Village 军寨村委会 Jūn Zhài Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Daboshe Village 大伯舍村委会 Dà Bó Shě Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Cuijia Boshe Village 崔家伯舍村委会 Cuī Jiā Bó Shě Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Yujia Boshe Village 于家伯舍村委会 Yú Jiā Bó Shě Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Wangjia Boshe Village 王家伯舍村委会 Wáng Jiā Bó Shě Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Zhaojia Boshe Village 赵家伯舍村委会 Zhào Jiā Bó Shě Cūn Wēi Huì Village
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Towns , Townships or Sub-Districts under the same County:

Jizhou Town [in Chinese] 冀州镇
Weitun Town [in Chinese] 魏屯镇
Guandaoli Town [in Chinese] 官道李镇
Zhoucun Town [in Chinese] 周村镇
Matouli Town [in Chinese] 码头李镇
Xiwang Town [in Chinese] 西王镇
Menzhuang Township [in Chinese] 门庄乡
Xujiazhuang Township [in Chinese] 徐家庄乡
Zhanghuai Township [in Chinese] 漳淮乡

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