Your Guide to China> Shanxi Province>>Shuozhou Municipality>>Pinglu District >Xishuijie Township(山西朔州平鲁区西水界乡)

Xishuijie Township, A division of rural area of Pinglu District,Shanxi Province

In Chinese: 西水界乡
In Pinyin: Xī Shuǐ Jiè Xiāng ;
Administrative Division Code : 140603206;
Post Code : 036000;
Calling Code : 0349
The Prefix of Motor Vehicle License Plate : 晋F
The Prefix of Citizen Identity Card Number: 140603
Area Coverage: 120 square kilometers;
Population : 6,000 persons ;

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Villages,Communities or Neighbourhoods under this Town (Township, Sub-District)
Village in EnglishIn Chinese In PinyinZONE TYPE
Xishuijie Village 西水界村委会 Xī Shuǐ Jiè Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Houshacheng Village 后沙城村委会 Hòu Shā Chéng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Dashihu Village 大石湖村委会 Dà Shí Hú Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Daluzhuang Village 大路庄村委会 Dà Lù Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Xiaoluzhuang Village 小路庄村委会 Xiǎo Lù Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Fuzuzhuang Village 富足庄村委会 Fù Zú Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Xijiadao Village 西夹道村委会 Xī Jiā Dào Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Shangjie Village 上街村委会 Shàng Jiē Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Xiaohonggou Village 小红沟村委会 Xiǎo Hóng Gōu Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Weizhuang Village 魏庄村委会 Wèi Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Heijiashi Village 黑家狮村委会 Hēi Jiā Shī Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Xicun Village 西村村委会 Xī Cūn Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Dongcun Village 东村村委会 Dōng Cūn Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Quanzishang Village 泉子上村委会 Quán Zǐ Shàng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Jiaojie Village 交界村委会 Jiāo Jiè Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Danzishan Village 担子山村委会 Dàn Zǐ Shān Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Yushuwa Village 榆树洼村委会 Yú Shù Wā Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Xiaoposhi Village 小破石村委会 Xiǎo Pò Shí Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Danangou Village 大南沟村委会 Dà Nán Gōu Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Qianshacheng Village 前沙城村委会 Qián Shā Chéng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Luotuoshan Village 骆驼山村委会 Luò Tuó Shān Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Sunjiashi Village 孙家狮村委会 Sūn Jiā Shī Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Xijing Village 西井村委会 Xī Jǐng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Houcun Village 侯村村委会 Hóu Cūn Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Xiaochongkou Village 小冲口村委会 Xiǎo Chōng Kǒu Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Zhaoxiao Village 赵小村委会 Zhào Xiǎo Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Xinrong Village 新荣村委会 Xīn Róng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Huodi Village 伙地村委会 Huǒ Dì Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Guojia Village 郭家村委会 Guō Jiā Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Shangxufu Village 上徐伏村委会 Shàng Xú Fú Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Xiaxufu Village 下徐伏村委会 Xià Xú Fú Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Wuyuanjing Village 五元井村委会 Wǔ Yuán Jǐng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Tianjia Datun Village 田家大屯村委会 Tián Jiā Dà Tún Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Pushang Village 铺上村委会 Pū Shàng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
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Towns , Townships or Sub-Districts under the same County:

Jingping Town [in Chinese] 井坪镇
Fenghuangcheng Town [in Chinese] 凤凰城镇
Baitang Township [in Chinese] 白堂乡
Taocun Township [in Chinese] 陶村乡
Xiashuitou Township [in Chinese] 下水头乡
Shuangnian Township [in Chinese] 双碾乡
Zuhu Township [in Chinese] 阻虎乡
Gaoshizhuang Township [in Chinese] 高石庄乡
Xiamiangao Township [in Chinese] 下面高乡

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