Your Guide to China> >>Wanzhou District>>Fenshui Town(万州区分水镇)

Fenshui Town, A division of Wanzhou District,

In Chinese: 分水镇
In Pinyin: Fēn Shuǐ Zhèn ;
Administrative Division Code : 500101144;
Post Code : 404100;
Calling Code : 023
The Prefix of Motor Vehicle License Plate : 渝F
The Prefix of Citizen Identity Card Number: 500101
Area Coverage: 220.96 square kilometers;

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Villages,Communities or Neighbourhoods under this Town (Township, Sub-District)
Village in EnglishIn Chinese In PinyinZONE TYPE
Zaoyuanchang Neighborhood 枣园场居委会 Zǎo Yuán Chǎng Jū Wēi Huì Neighborhood
Zaoyuanchang Neighborhood 枣园场居委会 Zǎo Yuán Chǎng Jū Wēi Huì Neighborhood
Daxingchang Neighborhood 大兴场居委会 Dà Xīng Chǎng Jū Wēi Huì Neighborhood
Daxingchang Neighborhood 大兴场居委会 Dà Xīng Chǎng Jū Wēi Huì Neighborhood
Fenshuiling Neighborhood 分水岭居委会 Fēn Shuǐ Lǐng Jū Wēi Huì Neighborhood
Fenshuiling Neighborhood 分水岭居委会 Fēn Shuǐ Lǐng Jū Wēi Huì Neighborhood
Zhangjiazui Neighborhood 张家嘴居委会 Zhāng Jiā Zuǐ Jū Wēi Huì Neighborhood
Zhangjiazui Neighborhood 张家嘴居委会 Zhāng Jiā Zuǐ Jū Wēi Huì Neighborhood
Sanzhengbu Neighborhood 三正埠居委会 Sān Zhēng Bù Jū Wēi Huì Neighborhood
Sanzhengbu Neighborhood 三正埠居委会 Sān Zhēng Bù Jū Wēi Huì Neighborhood
Huangnichang Neighborhood 黄泥场居委会 Huáng Ní Chǎng Jū Wēi Huì Neighborhood
Huangnichang Neighborhood 黄泥场居委会 Huáng Ní Chǎng Jū Wēi Huì Neighborhood
Sanyuanchang Neighborhood 三元场居委会 Sān Yuán Chǎng Jū Wēi Huì Neighborhood
Sanyuanchang Neighborhood 三元场居委会 Sān Yuán Chǎng Jū Wēi Huì Neighborhood
Wangchang Neighborhood 王场居委会 Wáng Chǎng Jū Wēi Huì Neighborhood
Wangchang Neighborhood 王场居委会 Wáng Chǎng Jū Wēi Huì Neighborhood
Shinian Village 石碾村 Shí Niǎn Cūn Village
Shinian Village 石碾村 Shí Niǎn Cūn Village
Dadi Village 大地村 Dà Dì Cūn Village
Dadi Village 大地村 Dà Dì Cūn Village
Wuma Village 五马村 Wǔ Mǎ Cūn Village
Wuma Village 五马村 Wǔ Mǎ Cūn Village
Xinshi Village 新石村 Xīn Shí Cūn Village
Xinshi Village 新石村 Xīn Shí Cūn Village
Zhushan Village 竹山村 Zhú Shān Cūn Village
Zhushan Village 竹山村 Zhú Shān Cūn Village
Chuanxing Village 川兴村 Chuān Xīng Cūn Village
Chuanxing Village 川兴村 Chuān Xīng Cūn Village
Sanzheng Village 三正村 Sān Zhēng Cūn Village
Sanzheng Village 三正村 Sān Zhēng Cūn Village
Shuanghong Village 双红村 Shuāng Hóng Cūn Village
Shuanghong Village 双红村 Shuāng Hóng Cūn Village
Lazi Village 辣子村 Là Zǐ Cūn Village
Lazi Village 辣子村 Là Zǐ Cūn Village
Chaping Village 茶坪村 Chá Píng Cūn Village
Chaping Village 茶坪村 Chá Píng Cūn Village
Wangxing Village 王兴村 Wáng Xīng Cūn Village
Wangxing Village 王兴村 Wáng Xīng Cūn Village
Shuangcheng Village 双城村 Shuāng Chéng Cūn Village
Shuangcheng Village 双城村 Shuāng Chéng Cūn Village
Zaoyuan Village 枣园村 Zǎo Yuán Cūn Village
Zaoyuan Village 枣园村 Zǎo Yuán Cūn Village
Sanjiaodang Village 三角凼村 Sān Jiǎo Dàng Cūn Village
Sanjiaodang Village 三角凼村 Sān Jiǎo Dàng Cūn Village
Hongdou Village 红豆村 Hóng Dòu Cūn Village
Hongdou Village 红豆村 Hóng Dòu Cūn Village
Huangnidang Village 黄泥凼村 Huáng Ní Dàng Cūn Village
Huangnidang Village 黄泥凼村 Huáng Ní Dàng Cūn Village
Dachong Village 大冲村 Dà Chōng Cūn Village
Dachong Village 大冲村 Dà Chōng Cūn Village
Huawu Village 花屋村 Huā Wū Cūn Village
Huawu Village 花屋村 Huā Wū Cūn Village
Sanyuan Village 三元村 Sān Yuán Cūn Village
Sanyuan Village 三元村 Sān Yuán Cūn Village
Peiwen Village 培文村 Péi Wén Cūn Village
Peiwen Village 培文村 Péi Wén Cūn Village
Langjia Village 郎家村 Láng Jiā Cūn Village
Langjia Village 郎家村 Láng Jiā Cūn Village
Bajiao Village 八角村 Bā Jiǎo Cūn Village
Bajiao Village 八角村 Bā Jiǎo Cūn Village
Honggu Village 红古村 Hóng Gǔ Cūn Village
Honggu Village 红古村 Hóng Gǔ Cūn Village
Gongjiawan Village 龚家湾村 Gōng Jiā Wān Cūn Village
Gongjiawan Village 龚家湾村 Gōng Jiā Wān Cūn Village
Daxing Village 大兴村 Dà Xīng Cūn Village
Daxing Village 大兴村 Dà Xīng Cūn Village
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Towns , Townships or Sub-Districts under the same County:

Gaosuntang Sub-District [in Chinese] 高笋塘街道
Taibai Sub-District [in Chinese] 太白街道
Pailou Sub-District [in Chinese] 牌楼街道
Shuanghekou Sub-District [in Chinese] 双河口街道
Longdu Sub-District [in Chinese] 龙都街道
Zhoujiaba Sub-District [in Chinese] 周家坝街道
Shahe Sub-District [in Chinese] 沙河街道
Zhonggulou Sub-District [in Chinese] 钟鼓楼街道
Bai′anba Sub-District [in Chinese] 百安坝街道

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