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China Guide > Zhejiang>Taizhou Municipality; [浙江省台州市] [Pinyin:Zhè Jiāng Shěng Tāi Zhōu Shì]

Taizhou Municipality, A prefecture-level city under Zhejiang Province , In Chinese [台州市]

Facts & Informations :

Administrative Division Code : 331000;
Post Code : 318000;
Phone Area Code :0576
The Prefix of Motor Vehicle License Plate : 浙J
The Prefix of Citizen Identity Card Number: 331000
Area Coverage: 9413 square kilometers;
Population : 5,760,000 persons (Including the subordinate cities and counties);
The Seat : Jiaojiang District
Taizhou in Pictures

City Guide to Taizhou: Restaurants, Hotels,Shopping, Hospitals ...

Restaurant and Catering Service
Muslim Cuisine Western Food Japanese Cuisine
Korean Cuisine Hotpot Snacks and Fast Food
Asian Cuisine

Leisure and Recreation Facilities
KTV Cinema Night Club
Cyber Cafe Bath

Financial Facilities Mall,Store and Market

Hospitals & Clinics Sports Facilities

Community Service Travel Services

Tour Guide to Taizhou: Streets and Roads

Jiefang South Road Zhongshan West Road Shifu Boulevard
Zhongshan East Road Yinzuo Street Jingzhong Rd.
Kangping Road Jiefang North Road Laodong South Road

Tour Guide to Taizhou: Tour Attractions
Taizhou Jinquan Farm Huangyan Zhushadui
Huangyan Grottoes Taizhou Dongfang Taiyang City
Citizen Square Huangyan Yongning Park
Jiufeng Park of Huangyan Taizhou Qi Jiguang Memorial
Taizhou Huanglang Tide Sand Sculpture Taizhou Baiyun Mountain
The adminitrative division form of Taizhou is Municipality, which is one of the four administrative divisional forms at the the second level of China local administrative division system .
Municipality is also referred to as a prefecture level city (地级市). Most of Chinese big cities belong to this variety.
A prefecture-level municipality is subject to the juridiction of a provincial government ,and directly controls some urban districts while overseeing some counties or smaller cities on behalf of the provincial government.
Thus it's normal to see a large City (a Municipality) have jurisdiction over some small cities in China.
Urban Subdivisions of Taizhou City
S/NFull NameIn Chinese In PinyinDivison type
1Luqiao District路桥区Luqiao QuDistrict
2Huangyan District黄岩区Huangyan QuDistrict
3Jiaojiang District椒江区Jiaojiang QuDistrict
Subdivisions Under the jurisdication of Taizhou Municipality
The components of greater Taizhou Municipality
S/NFull NameIn Chinese In PinyinDivison type
1Linhai City临海市Linhai ShiCity
2Wenling City温岭市Wenling ShiCity
3Xianju County仙居县Xianju XianCounty
4Tiantai County天台县Tiantai XianCounty
5Sanmen County三门县Sanmen XianCounty
6Yuhuan City玉环市Yuhuan ShiCity
* For detailed explanation of county-level adm. divisions please visit>>>>


Taizhou City is a young coastal city along the golden coast line of China, it is situtated in the middle of the coastal area of Zhejiang Province and the south tip of Shanghai Economic Zone. The central of the city locates at 122゜ east longitude, 28゜ north latitude, and belongs to the sub-tropical monsoon climate. There are 3 districts in the urban area, namely Jiaojiang, Huangyan and Luqiao. And under its jurisdiction are Linhai City and Wenling City, as well as four countie.....
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Xinqian Sub-district

Xinqian Sub-District, formerly Xinqian Town, on the east of Huangyan Urban area, is a hub of various factories, where the West Industrial Park (Xianqian) is located.
Posted on 2013/7/20 20:02:15 by Zhejiang

Xinqian Sub-district

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Huangyan District EPB moves to new site

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Posted on 2013/7/14 22:31:15 by Zhejiang

Huangyan District EPB moves to new site

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Posted on 2016/11/10 5:20:54 by yanzhongr5

Huangyan District EPB moves to new site

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