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China Guide > Ningxia>Guyuan Municipality; [宁夏回族自治区固原市] [Pinyin:Níng Xià Huí Zú Zì Zhì Qū Gù Yuán Shì]

Guyuan Municipality, A prefecture-level city under Ningxia Hui Aut. Region , In Chinese [固原市]

Facts & Informations :

Administrative Division Code : 640400;
Post Code : 756000;
Phone Area Code :0954
The Prefix of Motor Vehicle License Plate : 宁D
The Prefix of Citizen Identity Card Number: 640400
Area Coverage: 13458 square kilometers;
Population : 1,500,000 persons (Including the subordinate cities and counties);
The Seat : Yuanzhou District
Guyuan in Pictures

City Guide to Guyuan: Restaurants, Hotels,Shopping, Hospitals ...

Restaurant and Catering Service
Muslim Cuisine Korean Cuisine Hotpot

Leisure and Recreation Facilities
KTV Cinema Night Club
Cyber Cafe Bath

Financial Facilities Mall,Store and Market

Hospitals & Clinics Sports Facilities

Community Service Travel Services

Tour Guide to Guyuan: Streets and Roads

Sanxu Road Wenhua West Street Wenhua Alley
Qingpeng Highway Zhengfu East Street Nanguan East Street
Zhongshan North Road Huizhong Road Erzhong Road

Tour Guide to Guyuan: Tour Attractions
Mt. Xumishan Grottoes Jiucaiping Qubbah Cemetery
Guyuan Warring States Great Wall of Qin Mt. Liupan National Natural Reserve
Huoshizhai National Geologic Park Changcheng Village
Xihu Park of Guyuan Chaona qiuyuan Lakes
Qingshui River of Guyuan Anxi Palace Ruins of Kaicheng
The adminitrative division form of Guyuan is Municipality, which is one of the four administrative divisional forms at the the second level of China local administrative division system .
Municipality is also referred to as a prefecture level city (地级市). Most of Chinese big cities belong to this variety.
A prefecture-level municipality is subject to the juridiction of a provincial government ,and directly controls some urban districts while overseeing some counties or smaller cities on behalf of the provincial government.
Thus it's normal to see a large City (a Municipality) have jurisdiction over some small cities in China.
Urban Subdivisions of Guyuan City
S/NFull NameIn Chinese In PinyinDivison type
1Yuanzhou District原州区Yuanzhou QuDistrict
Subdivisions Under the jurisdication of Guyuan Municipality
The components of greater Guyuan Municipality
S/NFull NameIn Chinese In PinyinDivison type
1Pengyang County彭阳县Pengyang XianCounty
2Jingyuan County泾源县Jingyuan XianCounty
3Longde County隆德县Longde XianCounty
4Xiji County西吉县Xiji XianCounty
* For detailed explanation of county-level adm. divisions please visit>>>>

The city of Guyuan is located in the southern part of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. It is about 340 kilometers (about 211 miles) away from Yinchuan, the capital city of the region. Car travel from Yinchuan takes about 4 hours, and bus travel takes about 4 to 6 hours, depending on the number of stops. Its eastern, western and southern boundaries border on Gansu province, and its northern part touches Zhongwei and Tongxin, two counties in the area.

Guyuan has a total area of 16,783 square kilometers that includes one administrated area call.....
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