Your Guide to China> Hebei Province>>Zhangjiakou Municipality>>Chongli District >Xiwanzi Sub-District(河北张家口崇礼区西湾子街道)

Xiwanzi Sub-District, A sub-division of urban area of Chongli District,Hebei Province

In Chinese: 西湾子街道
Here is the seat of Chongli District
In Pinyin: Xī Wān Zǐ Jiē Dào ;
Administrative Division Code : 130733100;
Post Code : 050000;
Calling Code : 0311
The Prefix of Motor Vehicle License Plate : 冀G
The Prefix of Citizen Identity Card Number: 130733
Area Coverage: 224.4 square kilometers;

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Villages,Communities or Neighbourhoods under this Town (Township, Sub-District)
Village in EnglishIn Chinese In PinyinZONE TYPE
Xiwanzi Lingyuan Road Neighborhood 西湾子陵园路居委会 Xī Wān Zǐ Líng Yuán Lù Jū Wēi Huì Neighborhood
Xiwan Zisan Middle Street Neighborhood 西湾子三中街居委会 Xī Wān Zǐ Sān Zhōng Jiē Jū Wēi Huì Middle Street Neighborhood
Xiwanzi Yuxing Road Neighborhood 西湾子裕兴路居委会 Xī Wān Zǐ Yù Xīng Lù Jū Wēi Huì Neighborhood
Dongcun Village 东村村委会 Dōng Cūn Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Xicun Village 西村村委会 Xī Cūn Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Donggoumen Village 东沟门村委会 Dōng Gōu Mén Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Erdaogou Village 二道沟村委会 èr Dào Gōu Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Xiaoshiyao Village 小石窑村委会 Xiǎo Shí Yáo Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Zhaimiangou Village 窄面沟村委会 Zhǎi Miàn Gōu Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Heping Village 和平村委会 Hé Píng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Dajia Daogou Village 大夹道沟村委会 Dà Jiā Dào Gōu Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Xiaojia Daogou Village 小夹道沟村委会 Xiǎo Jiā Dào Gōu Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Taipingzhuang Village 太平庄村委会 Tài Píng Zhuāng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Huangtuzui Village 黄土嘴村委会 Huáng Tǔ Zuǐ Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Sidaogou Village 四道沟村委会 Sì Dào Gōu Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Toudaoying Village 头道营村委会 Tóu Dào Yíng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Tanyaogou Village 炭窑沟村委会 Tàn Yáo Gōu Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Shangliang Jianfang Village 上两间房村委会 Shàng Liǎng Jiān Fáng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Xialiang Jianfang Village 下两间房村委会 Xià Liǎng Jiān Fáng Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Gangou Village 干沟村委会 Gān Gōu Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Wangzigou Village 王子沟村委会 Wáng Zǐ Gōu Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Wayao Village 瓦窑村委会 Wǎ Yáo Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Shangsan Daohe Village 上三道河村委会 Shàng Sān Dào Hé Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Xiasan Daohe Village 下三道河村委会 Xià Sān Dào Hé Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Dongnangou Village 东南沟村委会 Dōng Nán Gōu Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Shuajian Caogou Village 刷见草沟村委会 Shuā Jiàn Cǎo Gōu Cūn Wēi Huì Village
Yushulin Village 榆树林村委会 Yú Shù Lín Cūn Wēi Huì Village
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Towns , Townships or Sub-Districts under the same County:

Gaojiaying Town [in Chinese] 高家营镇
Sitaizui Township [in Chinese] 四台嘴乡
Hongqiying Township [in Chinese] 红旗营乡
Shiyaozi Township [in Chinese] 石窑子乡
Yimatu Township [in Chinese] 驿马图乡
Shizuizi Township [in Chinese] 石嘴子乡
Shizigou Township [in Chinese] 狮子沟乡
Qingsanying Township [in Chinese] 清三营乡
Baiqi Township [in Chinese] 白旗乡

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